The Art of Running

Running is defined by Wikipedia as “a method of terrestrial locomotion allowing humans and other animals to move rapidly on foot.” Humans have been running since the times they were being chased by predators to save their lives. Competitive running can be traced back to ancient Greece, to around 2,700 years ago, where it played […]

Iyengar Yoga

Yoga Origins Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline that originated in ancient India over 5,000 years ago. In Sanskrit, the word yoga comes from the root “yuj,” which means to attach, join, harness, yoke. A practitioner of yoga is called a yogi (male) or yogini (female). It was practiced by Brahmans or Vedic […]

How Do We Stay Fit?

Although hiking on flat ground can be done by anyone of any fitness level, ascending strenuous mountains does require a good amount of strength. Sheldon is a long-distance runner while I prefer a variety of exercises anywhere from HIIT to cardio kickboxing to weightlifting to yoga and to Pilates. As a Jamaican, Sheldon was born […]