Fire Island Bike Ride 2

Basic Information

Date of Adventure: 09/12/2021

Location: south shore of Long Island, NY, part of Suffolk County

Please visit our first hiking Fire Island trip and our second biking Fire Island trip for more details.

Our Impressions

What can I say? We love Fire Island. This was our third trip there, second time with bikes, exactly one year later. September is an amazing time to visit Fire Island as you will avoid the summer crowds but enjoy the beautiful warm weather. This time, we were more familiar with the island and did a much more in depth exploration. We visited more communities, discovered a paddy cab, and spent more time swimming on the sound side. This place is so unique that it makes you want to visit it over and over again. It’s a true gem close to NYC.


  • Anna

    Anna was born in the former Soviet Union, the part that is now Ukraine. She came to the US as a refugee at the age of 8. She is an outdoor, fitness, health, and environment lover who found a way to express her passions through hiking. She enjoys exploring new places, seeking out adventures, and sharing her experiences with friends and family. Anna is also on a mission to help others feel young and healthy. She is a health and wellness coach that specializes in improving digestive health and IBS symptoms. Please visit her business page

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