Gertrude’s Nose Hike

Basic Information

Gertrude’s Nose is a moderate hike with challenging rock scrambles located in Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Ulster County NY.

AllTrails link to Gertrude’s Nose Hike

Date of hike: 08/30/2020

Difficulty level: moderate

Distance: 6.9 miles round trip

Elevation gain: 1,135 feet

Location: Ulster County, NY Minnewaska State Park Preserve, Shawangunk Mountains

Parking: Parking lot for a fee

Our rating: 5+ stars


There are two versions of stories that explain how Gertrude’s Nose got its name but they both have to do with ladies named Gertrude.  The first version tells us that the peak is named after Gertrude Bruyn, a Dutch settler who purchased land directly opposite Gertrude’s Nose in 1682.  She was an important local figure at the time and it was said that her nose resembled the shadows of some of the massive rocks on cliff peak. 

The second version is that a woman named Gertrude who was a regular guest at the Wildmere hotel overlooking Lake Minnewaska.  She was proposed to many times there but always replied “No.”  The mountain was thus named “Gertrude’s No“, which, over the years, was changed to “Gertrude’s Nose.”

The Gertrude’s Nose hike is located in the Minnewaska State Park Preserve.  Minnewaska is known for its Ice Cave Tulus, Pitch Pine Oak Heath Rocky Summit, and extensive Chestnut Oak Forest.  It includes wildlife such as the Timber Rattlesnake, Bobcat, and the noctuid moth Zale curema.  It also features numerous waterfalls, crystalline sky lakes, hardwood forests, sheer cliffs and ledges, streams, and carriage, hiking, biking, and walking paths.  Swimming in the lake is allowed during the summer season.

Gertrude’s Nose shows the natural geological destruction of the Shawangunk Mountains.  It includes huge boulders and dramatic cracks in the rocks that widen into deep crevices, with massive blocks of conglomerate, below.  It offers spectacular views to the east and south. 

Our Impressions

This was attempt number two to make it to this highly rated hike.  We made sure to leave the house extra early this time.  We made it to the parking lot at 10 AM and boy oh boy were we shocked.  The line was open for cars but it was a 2 hour long wait just to get into the parking lot!  Apparently, even though the park opens at 9 AM, it is best to be there at 8:30 AM and stand on line!  Against our favor was the fact that we were traveling during the COVID pandemic when most indoor activities were still closed.  On top of that, Minnewaska was repairing one of its parking lots.  Hence, we were in for a tedious wait to get inside the park.

Despite the long wait, we were not going to turn back this time.  We sat in the car and chatted.  The time passed by.  We finally parked.  However, when we entered the park, we realized that Minnewaska is a huge park with no signs or rangers to guide you to the trail.  After going around the park in circles trying to find the Gertrude’s Nose trail path based on directions from random people, our frustration level reached a boiling point.  Sheldon was ready to turn back but I was still determined.  Luckily, we finally stumbled upon the trail by accident.  Since it was already 2 PM, we had to power hike to the peak like never before. 

What an unforgettable experience this turned into!  Gorgeous views all along the way and our introduction to real rock scrambling.  I realized I’m a chicken when it comes to cliff edges and watching Sheldon jump over rock crevices that I tried to walk around.  Watching him jump over them with the ease of a gazelle made me shudder with fear.  He is a Superman.

We hiked up so quickly that we had a full half hour to enjoy the gorgeous summit before we had to turn back.  This is a hike not to be missed.

Minnewaska State Park Preserve
Gertrude’s Nose Cliffs and Crevices
Gertrude’s Nose Cliffs
Gertrude’s Nose Cliffs and Crevices


  • Anna

    Anna was born in the former Soviet Union, the part that is now Ukraine. She came to the US as a refugee at the age of 8. She is an outdoor, fitness, health, and environment lover who found a way to express her passions through hiking. She enjoys exploring new places, seeking out adventures, and sharing her experiences with friends and family. Anna is also on a mission to help others feel young and healthy. She is a health and wellness coach that specializes in improving digestive health and IBS symptoms. Please visit her business page

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